Born : 30. april 1995 (Dead)

HD: A2

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Fidji is a mentally stable female. She is extremely approachable and outgoing, eagerly engaging with all people and children. Additionally, she is very eager to please and loves to work. She has a wonderful and, in my opinion, unique temperament. Fidji has been character tested and shows a delightful temperament with a healthy nervous system. She has good curiosity and a lot of determination. Fidji’s Puppy Test

Fidji has high drives and is trained in Obedience and Tracking. She has great abilities in both areas, as well as a strong desire for Agility. Her great enthusiasm for work and very stable disposition make her the ideal dog to train with. She has quickly passed the tests: SL 1, SL 2, and SL 3 (Tracking and Obedience parts of IPO). It has been my time that has limited her achievements. Fidji is a tornado during training, but at home she is very easygoing, calm, and well-balanced.

Fidji is a large and robustly built female, with strong, straight legs. She has a warm mahogany-red color with appropriate charbonnage. Her angles are very good, both front and rear. Her ears are small and well-set, and the mask is good. A female with great charisma and a lovely mild expression. Fidji’s Character Test

Unfortunately, Fidji had to be put down in October 2005 due to mammary cancer. Luckily, she managed to have 2 litters of wonderful puppies.

She is deeply missed.